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Transformative Social Emotional Learning



Transformative Social Emotional Learning - Administration

Contact Phone / Address Position / Responsibility
Dr. Claudia Sosa-Valderrama (562) 986-6870 x.242 Director
Student Support Services

P3_ExcellenceEquity-hr . Hi here I want Excelence & Equity one signle vector. Not 3.

Transformative Social Emotional Learning

“Transformative Social Emotional Learning was introduced as a way to integrate an explicit equity and social justice lens into the conceptualization and implementation of social and emotional learning (SEL). As Jagers, Rivas-Drake, and Williams (2019) (PDF) explain, it is a form of SEL aimed at interrupting the reproduction of inequitable educational environments by attending to issues of identity, agency, belonging, and related issues such as power, privilege, prejudice, discrimination, social justice, empowerment, and self-determination.”

TSEL Infographic